Cost of living Philippines

Live the dream ! Find out how much you need to live here
Live the dream !
Find out how much you need to live here
Start making your plans with the tools you need.
Start making your plans with the tools you need.

Excel Spreadsheet on the cost of Living in the Philippines

A complete spreadsheet showing all costs segregated by categories.

Both Philippine Peso and US dollar on the spreadsheet. Change one box (exchange-rate) and use another currency.

Includes – 10 pages of notes and tips how to use the spreadsheet.

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Here is the tool you need! Only $47

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I am an American with over 15 years experience living in the Philippines.
I have put together this spreadsheet because I have seen such a variation in the cost-of-living here in the Philippines. It is updated for 2016. It is the most complete information you will find anywhere.

As a bonus, I am including an Excel worksheet on cash flow. You can calculate your monthly cash flow for at least two years. See in advance where the problems are.

I have seen so many people come here and stumble, because they did not have a handle on their expenses.
There is no other tool like this. I wish I could’ve had this type of tool before I made my move to the Philippines. Some people like to fly by the seat of their pants. When they get into trouble they just contact their relatives back in the home country. I don’t think that’s the proper way. I planned and I budget very carefully. With this tool you can also budget very carefully before and while you are here.

One of the biggest mistakes I have seen foreigners make, is budgeting. They don’t do their budgeting properly. That gets them in so much trouble. Even people who have a good size income, can inefficiently use that money very quickly. If you don’t have a plan, and the budget, things slip away from you.

Don't Delay

Here is the tool you need! Only $47

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